Now we must focus on implementation” the time for excuses is over. It’s time for action”

Kofi Annan

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Short Info

For more than 25 years, the founding fathers behind the SNAF are working in Africa. Somnium Nostri means in Latin: our dream.

Our dream is that Africa can stand on its own feet and be totally independent of help. We want to achieve this by helping existing companies and local entrepreneurs to set up companies with technical and financial help and training where necessary.

The structure of the organisation is in Europe who supports different organisation in the development of social mining, Harbors, roads, railways, energy, water developments, agriculture in Africa.

With the profit of the developments. We introduce new projects from the gate way of Africa plan from SN Africa (SNAF) in latin: our dream. “now we must focus on implementation” the time for excuses is over. It’s time for action” Kofi Annan


Alfonso Muimba


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